Professor Flick brought to light many important concepts and deepened my understanding on the importance of health promotion. As future occupational therapy practitioners, we must educate and teach those we work with about health. Social determinants of a person's health include: education, food, income, peace, shelter, social injustice and equity, stable ecosystem, and sustainable resources. If we are able to impact one or more of these areas in a person's life, it can greatly impact their health in a positive way. Additionally, she discussed how important it is to check for client understanding each session. It is not always outwardly obvious if a client is not able to read, so it is important to determine this and make sure they are aware of what is going on. Professor Flick discussed a study that evaluated readmission rates in hospitals. Occupational therapy proved to be the only service that positively impacted and reduced these rates. I believe that is because occupatio...
The journey of an occupational therapy student.